
With summer is in full bloom we talk about Demeter, the Goddess of the harvest and agriculture. She represents the fertility of the earth, creation of the seasons, and the cycles of life.

Here’s a little more information about her

Demeter, the Greek goddess of agriculture, the harvest, and fertility, embodies maternal love and the nurturing of life. She is often depicted with symbols like sheaves of wheat, cornucopias, and torches, representing her connection to the earth’s bounty and the cycles of nature.

She is featured in the myth of the abduction of her daughter Persephone by Hades. Distracted by her search for her daughter, Demeter caused great famine until Persephone’s return. This myth explains the changing seasons, with Demeter’s grief bringing winter and her joy bringing spring. Demeter represents the life-giving and sustaining aspects of nature and motherhood.

There is also a myth about Demeter and Poseidon, the god of the sea. To escape his advances, Demeter transformed herself into a mare. However, Poseidon transformed himself into a stallion, ultimately catching and mating with her. This union produced Arion, a divine horse, and Despoina, a goddess associated with mysteries and the underworld. This myth highlights themes of transformation, fertility, and the intertwining of earth and sea deities.

Animals associated with Demeter

  • The serpent symbolizes fertility, rebirth, and the underworld aspects of agriculture and earth.
  • Horses represent transformation, fertility, and the intertwining of earth and sea deities.
  • Pigs – Due to their role in ancient agricultural rituals they symbolize fertility and abundance.


💖 Plant seeds
💖 Visit a farm or take a walk in nature.
💖 Notice the changing of the seasons.
💖 Talk with a friend about how you experienced Demeter.
💖 If you are inspired, create art or make an altar to Demeter.

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