
Athena was known as the goddess of wisdom, justified war, and crafts.

She was often associated with attributes of strategy, skill, and intelligence in warfare, contrasting with her brother Ares, who represented the chaotic and violent aspects of battle. Interesting that ancient Greece designated male and female aspects of war.

Athena was born fully grown and armored. And she was born from the forehead of her father, Zeus, after he swallowed her pregnant mother (Metis, the goddess of wisdom and craft). This unusual birth symbolized her role as a deity of intellectual and strategic prowess.

She was also the patron goddess of the city of Athens, which was named in her honor after she bestowed the gift of the olive tree upon its people, providing them with food, oil, and wood. Her symbols included the owl, representing wisdom, and the olive tree. Athena was often depicted wearing armor, including a helmet and a shield, and carrying a spear.

Athena was a maiden goddess. Her virginity symbolized her independence and strength. Unlike Artemis, who wished to separate herself from men, Athena joined them, equal to the gods and worshiped by mortal men and women. Athena played significant roles in the stories of Heraceles, Perseus (her shield helped him slay Medusa), and Odysseus, where she influenced the course of the Trojan War by suggesting they build the Trojan horse.


  • Owl…Sees throught the shadows
  • Weaver…plans and crafts functional things
  • Carries a spear… but only uses it when necessary
  • Helmet… Symbolizes intelect in warfate
  • Sheild…Ageis Protection
  • Olive tree… useful for food oil and wood
  • “Extending the olive branch” is metaphor for strategic and peaceful resolution of war. It’s a compassionate strategy to resolve conflict and find compromise.

Key aspects of the Athena archetype

  • Wisdom and Knowledge
  • Strategic Warfare
  • Skill and Craftsmanship
  • Justice and Fairness
  • Female Empowerment and Independence
  • Civic Responsibility and Protection


💖 Look for owls. You’ll be surprised how often they appear, in nature, films, TV, and media. Imagine that each time you see an owl, it is Athena calling you to your own inner wisdom.
💖 Second, cultivate inner clarity through meditation in whatever way you prefer. Taking time for introspection helps you understand your thoughts and emotions, grounding your decisions in wisdom.
💖 If you find yourself confronted with a challenging situation, think about the Athena archetype. Ask yourself what kind of strategies she might employ to find a harmonious and successful outcome. Embrace strategic thinking to break down problems, develop plans and communicate effectively.
💖 If you find yourself triggered by politics of any kind, ask yourself what Athena would want for all involved. If there is an action you can take to support what you think Athena might want, take that action.
💖 The next time you do something that contributes to the greater good, think of it as a way to embody Athena’s sense of justice.
💖 Craft something. Wether it’s writing, weaving, learning a new craft, or making artwork, or something functional, make something that involves planning and figuring out how to put pieces together to make something new.

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