
This month, we meet the moon Goddess of the forest, huntress and warden of the wild. To many, Artemis is seen as a protector of feminine energy.

Here are some links that might help you become more familiar with the Archetype of Artemis.

Artemis is many things and was worshiped by different communities for different attributes. Some of them are:

Female empowerment

Autonomy. Complete unto herself, Artemis knows her natural self is sacred. 

She meets her own needs with a sense of adventure and authenticity.

She is free to follow her instincts and defends her beliefs. 

A self-possessed woman, she will not remain in situations that do not serve her.

She values her raw emotions as an indication to let her values be her guide.

She is true to herself. 

She meets the world with compassion, confidence and epic womanhood.


She has focus, aiming for her mark. She sets her sights and trusts that her aim is true.

She has an awareness for opportunities that come her way.

Often depicted with a bow and arrow, Artemis embodies the principles of ethical hunting and wildlife management. The people who created this archetype believed that living things were sentient, intelligent beings, deserving of respect.


Warden of wildlife. Protector of children. Midwife. Healer.

Artemis is also a patron of adolescent girls and she presided over the transition from girlhood to womanhood.

Protector of feminine energy.

Animal totems

Deer – She rode a chariot pulled by deer and is often depicted as standing next to small deer

Bear (untameable)

Boar (untameable)

Hunting dogs

At home with male and female energies

She is a twin, grown in the womb along with the male energy of Apollo.

Other ways she is shown to balance male and female are that she was depicted as a huntress at a time when hunting was more often seen as a male persuit. She was a patron of adolescent girls. Puberty was seen as a time when girls were still allowed more of their wild nature as they were groomed for the more restrained roles of womanhood in ancient Greek society. The Arktoi celebrated the bear.

Wikepedia describes Artemis as “Goddess of nature, childbirth, wildlife, healing, the hunt, sudden death, animals, virginity, young women and archery”.


💖 Go into the woods, preferably under the moon, with the intention of walking with Artemis. Listen to the forest. Repeat aloud what your answer was when, during our meditation, Artemis asked “How can I work with you?”
Perhaps ask Artemis a follow-up question or imagine a conversation with her.
If you see a deer or animal, send it love and wishes for its protection.

💖 Write about or draw Artemis:
What are some Artemis qualities that resonate for you?
Are there Artemis qualities that turn you off or make you feel dissonance?Journal about how Artemis and your Inner Goddess can work with you.

💖 If it’s fun for you, draw, or paint, or sculpt the gift that she gave you (or buy yourself something like it) and send me a photo of it telling me what it means.

💖 If you have a dream about Artemis, write about it. Keep a journal by your bed or dictate into your phone.

💖 If you are inspired, make an altar to Artemis. Include any items that you found in the woods, a candle, your journal, an image or statue of Artemis, or anything that makes you feel connected to the Artemis qualities that appeal to you.

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